Tagged: HyperV HS 4.2
Participant2015-03-01 at 18:03Post count: 2Hi @all, is it possible to write a new Donwload Link for die Hyper-V VM? I cant download by the Links vom Wolfmann.
Thanks ;-)
Participant2015-04-08 at 19:54Post count: 2Hi all,
the download still work now! ThanksMy next problem is the same like “Darkmann”!
“I import the VM in Hyper-V (on Windows Server 2012 R2 Standard) and when i make ifconfig it don´t display the NIC (eth1) only see the LO.”
I have use the legacy Network card, because this card normally dont need driver (hyperv tools).
Have anyone a Solution for me?
Participant2015-05-26 at 16:55Post count: 5has anybody an idea how to change the SNR (mac-address) to my original SNR from my HS1 on the hyper-v image
thank you
Participant2015-06-16 at 11:58Post count: 6Please can anybody tell me how to Change the IP Address permanently to survive a reboot?
I use the VMWare Image – with ifconfig the IP only is changed temporary.Which file do I have to edit?
Would be greatful for a working solution.
Participant2015-06-17 at 22:57Post count: 3You have to change the ip-adresse with the experte software and not with ifconfig.
Participant2015-12-23 at 21:50Post count: 17Could please anybody post a 4.4 VMware link, the old VMware link is down! thx
Participant2016-01-13 at 01:54Post count: 1The downloads for 4.1 and 4.1.1 are partially down and not working. (Hyper-V). I have also downloaded 4.2 but I only have Hyper-V 2008 R2. Any chance to get the older uploads working again or uploading a version that is compatible with 2008 R2?
Participant2016-02-01 at 10:52Post count: 1Hyper-V Image is here:
http://jmp.sh/b/7ZHlhLytvuX96vaLtmy1Hi! I converted this image to qcow2 and used it in a qemu-kvm vm. Worked like a charm! Thanks for that!
I have a question about the images though: How do did you spoof the MAC address for hs_main? I would like to use a different one, as I have a broken, registered HS3 at home and would like to use the weather prediction and the portal with my registered MAC.
Participant2016-02-06 at 19:57Post count: 2I downloaded the VM for 4.2, it boots fine and tells me that it has the IP; but whatever I do I can’t telnet, ping any other host from the VM. However I am using the same Network ( at home … but I cant ping and I do not get any sign by pinging the HS via from *.0.21.
Does anybody have an idea what I am doing wrong? (I tried to get the VM connected to another VM via Serial Port – however that hasn’t worked for me yet so I tried solving the IP scenario anyway … anyhow, I am kinda stuck as it seems)
Thanks, Manuel
Participant2016-02-07 at 21:16Post count: 2Ok, I finally sorted it out … The VM was configured correctly, but anyhow I wasn’t able to get out of it. I configured the VMnet0 adapter to be bridged via the physical network adapter (I think I had some misconfiguration in which the auto bridge mode was connected to the network adapter of Virtual Box – since I am using Virtual Box as well on the same Host)… so if you may have the same troubles make sure you connected the Bridged adapter to the Host NIC.
Secondly I was able to reach all other machines within my network, but I wasn’t able to reach the internet .. anyhow I was able to reach the internet, but I had to change the DNS Server properly; therefore I edited /etc/resolv.conf and placed the GW in there. (then everything worked like charm)
The serial configuration wasn’t working because it seems “/hs/bin/hs_main trans” relies on having access to the serial adapter #0, but if there are two of them like in the tutorial the windows VM is properly connected to the linux VM, but nothing happens.
For debugging try using a Hyperterminal for the COM-ports on windows and write via Linux “echo HelloWorld > /dev/ttyS0” and check if it appears while monitoring with 9600 baud (for the other settings use the default) under COM1 hyperterminal.
The solution was to delete all COM ports for the Linux VM except the one with the pipe! So make sure you have a pipe with “this-side-is-the-client” on Linux VM and that you have the same one for the Windows VM with “this-side-is-the-server”.1. Step after having that configured is to start the Linux VM and comment out the last line of /etc/inittab to prevent hs_main from starting.
2. Start the Windows VM and GIRA Experte, the transfer the project via COM-Port #1; it will notify you to reboot the Linux VM then.
3. Reboot the Linux VM
4. After Reboot is finished execute “/hs/bin/hs_main trans” and the transfer shall start!slg
Participant2016-02-22 at 19:41Post count: 1Hi @all!
Im using de 4.2 Hyper-V Image, but had the problem, that eth0 was not available! (eth0 „no such device“)solution for me:
http://www.leben-zwo-punkt-null.com/eth0-verschwindibus/at hs 4.2, delete file 70-persistent-net.rules under: /etc/udev/rules.d and restart!
Participant2016-05-05 at 20:12Post count: 2Hi,
works great: Downloaded the Hyper V 4.2 Image from the post above, ported it to VMWare using free Starwind converter, Updated to 4.4.0 (booting knoppix inside the VM for copying files over worked perfectly) and even installed VMWare Tools inside the VM without problems.
Great work guys!
Kind Regards
Participant2016-05-06 at 21:54Post count: 1Hi @MistMette,
please can you explain exactly the update steps with knoppix ? Which is the correct way to start knoppix in the VM ? sorry for my english…
Kind Regards
Participant2016-05-09 at 13:36Post count: 3Hello.
@MistMette can you please upload the VM image for HS 4.4.
or somebody.Thank you
Participant2016-05-16 at 12:31Post count: 2Hi,
@maywitt: Just download the latest Knoppix ISO, put it in your VMWare Datastore, mount it to the VM’s DVD Drive and boot from it (you might need to adjust boot order within the VM’s BIOS). Once Knoppix is booted just mount the disks of your VM and copy the files. It’s done really quickly and much easier then it might sound.
kind regards
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