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  • TopFlyTopFly
      Post count: 8

      Hi all

      I see that many are transforming the Igel 2/3 3200 to a Homeserver.

      Who is willing to write down a tutorial in English? I think this will benefit more than just me.


      PS my German is really bad and Google translate isn’t any better

        Post count: 8

        I of course mean the Igel 3/4 3210. (stupid typo)

          Post count: 158

          1. Open Igel and remove the yellow jumper near the cf-card. Now it is Secondary Master.

          2. Create an bootable USB-Stick, copy the files from http://www.file-upload.net/download-8420957/Stick.rar.html to the Stick, overwrite all. Edit mac-adresse in autoexec.bat, copy firmware.dat (hs3) from experte to the Stick.

          3. Connect the Stick to the Igel and start. Create four Partitions 12MB\12MB\50MB\50MB, first Partition active.

          4. Restart

          5. Select Setup and wait.

          6. Remove the Stick and put your first project to your new Homeserver.

          Sorry for my bad english, but i think the tut is useable.


            Post count: 8

            Hi Heini

            Thank you for your reply and the file upload.

            It all works now.

            Some how the disks were not formatted when I did the xfdisk part. So I had to use an extra step to manually format the d and e drive. Than I ran setup and now it all works.

            Thanks for the help.

              Post count: 2

              I tried to do like in the tutorial. The homeserver starts, but has no valid IP-adress. I cannot upload via RS232, because this part is missing when starting the homeserver.
              What did I wrong?

              Thanks for any help.

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