1) Understanding
A Dutch (Belgium) manual explaining the Homeserver, Experte Software, how to program/configure, etc.
Mirror download: http://www.roelbroersma.nl/media/pdf/Handleiding_Gira_Homeserver_3.pdf
2) Address your devices (program the devices, give it a 3 number ‘address’ like “2.3.1”) using ETS software: http://pirateproxy.net/torrent/8186732/ETS_4.1.6_Professional
3) Build a Homeserver and import the devices/address. Now it’s time to create the logic (bind switches to actors, create time schemes, etc.)
Here is a YouTube video about how to setup the homeserver (using the free Gira Experte software and IMPORT the addresses in it which you gave to the devices using the ETS4 software).