Participant2023-10-11 at 18:12Post count: 1Hello, thank you for your previous work and we hope your situation improves. I also could provide my help if you need :)
Participant2023-10-12 at 11:39Post count: 1Hello,
Thanks for the work.
Can anyone share me the link to the download.Thanks,
Participant2023-10-31 at 16:46Post count: 3Hi,
I recently bought a home license for ETS6.
Now I am trying to convert my old unsigned project for ETS5 (5.5.1) to ETS6.
I converted it into a signed project in a demo version of ETS 5.7.7 (via upgrade in version 5.5.1) with the help in this forum.
However, I cannot open or export it through the demo version (5 devices limit and I have around 45).
Can someone help, e.g. by exporting it via a licensed ETS5 version?
I can send a zip of the project store folder.Thanks in advance!
This reply was modified 1 year, 4 months ago by
This reply was modified 1 year, 4 months ago by
Participant2023-10-31 at 17:21Post count: 369@Bassie78
Did you try this?– Open knxproj with 7-zip or simply append .zip and open it in Explorer
– Identify project ID in the format P-XXXX (e.g. P-0413)
– Create an empty file with the name P-XXXX_M-dummy (without extension, e.g. P-0413_M-dummy)
– Copy file into the ZIP file
– Save and remove the zip extension
– Import in ETS 6.0.6 (not 6.1)Bassie78
Participant2023-10-31 at 18:20Post count: 3Thanks! Will keep you posted!
Participant2023-11-03 at 17:07Post count: 3@sinn3r
Your solution worked perfectly. Thanks a bunch!sinn3r
Participant2023-11-03 at 18:41Post count: 369@Bassie78 👍🏻
Participant2023-11-06 at 17:17Post count: 1Hallo,
wie ich dem Forum entnehme, wurde bereits viel Arbeit in den Crack der ETS6 gesteckt. Danke dafür bereits hier.
Ich nutze aktuell die ETS5.7.4 und möchte auf ETS6.x.x umsteigen.
Kann mir bitte jemand einen Link zum Download der Version senden, in der man auch das Projekt aus der Version 5.7.4 weiter bearbeiten kann.
Ich würde mich sehr über eine Rückantwort und eventuelle Hinweise dazu freuen.Vielen Dank bereits vorab.
Participant2023-11-06 at 19:06Post count: 16Search the internet!
Use senseful words for the search.
Be creative!
You will!!! find ETS6.X.X Version for use without dongle.
For sure!!!Please give response here when you got positively result.
For converting projects between dongeled and undongeled versions and for the use of a given project in higher ETS-versions -> search this forum.
This is all the info you need to get the job done!!!
@ plarad:
What do you mean with “Rückantwort”?
In german: a “Antwort” contains already a litterally “Rück”!!!
So, the expression “Rückantwort” is not only redundant, it is “overkill”!!!!TVR
This reply was modified 1 year, 4 months ago by
Participant2023-11-07 at 15:26Post count: 16I want to let you know, that there is a download for ETS 6.0.6 (Build 5030).
KNX ETS6 Supportthread
Have fun.
Participant2023-11-07 at 17:54Post count: 68great job..
Participant2023-11-17 at 16:51Post count: 68My greeting in the reported forum was not well received and they immediately banned me, strangely I am the author of the file of the cured version in which they continue to go back despite attempts to unlock the new version, so I just wanted to let the author looking for a moment of glory, even if you were to succeed, doesn’t make you an intelligent person, the program is banal so you remain an idiot..
Participant2023-11-17 at 23:11Post count: 16Hello asdfasdfasd,
I’m sorry to hear resp. to read this.
The show in the reported forum is going on.
New Version of ETS 6.1.0 -> cracked version, only patches – compatibility mode not working (needed for older or converted databases from ETS 5.X.X)
New Version of ETS 6.1.0 -> cracked version, only patches – compatibility mode now working!!!
New Version of ETS 6.1.1 -> original Version (full setup) and cracked version (only patches) – two separate downloads.
Have fun
Participant2023-11-27 at 22:15Post count: 1Hello, still not working this procedure, only differences that I have ETS 6.1.1.
thank youmaxthon23
Participant2023-12-05 at 12:36Post count: 2Hello,
Is there any crack or patch for Ets 6.1 ?
Could you send me if available. -
This reply was modified 1 year, 4 months ago by
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