Participant2022-12-15 at 07:36Post count: 10I guess
Just check the program directory.m00
Participant2022-12-15 at 11:50Post count: 41Absolutely wonderful!
Everything works – Importing, exporting, integrated Apps (like Replace Device / Extended Copy), external Apps (like Recontruction).
You did it, debbe.I guess all thats left to dream about is cracking the signing process.
The only “issue” left is: A project that has been exported through a cracked version (if its larger than 5 devices) cannot be imported with a original version. Thats because the exported .knxproj file does not contain the “P-xxxx.certificate” File (because you need a valid license to sign a project – as far as i know its probably impossible to crack.)
The idea that i had was: Could we probably use the “free” Lite-License you get from completing the online course? I checked it and the signing of a lite- home- and professional-license are basically the same, so we could potentially use a Lite license (just register with the my.knx.org using a fake name and address, complete the course which should take 30min, get the lite-cloudlicense for free) to sign projects.Thats not a huge deal anyways – it just matters for ppl who use the cracked version for themselves and need to give the project to a professional system integrator. Those would not be able to import the cracked project so far.
Participant2022-12-15 at 14:12Post count: 369Nice work!
But I cannot use it, as my project contains some older devices that need to run ETS6C, which is not cracked.
@debbe Could you have a look at this? The crack should be the same.xxx
Participant2022-12-15 at 15:39Post count: 68xxx
This reply was modified 2 years, 2 months ago by
Participant2022-12-15 at 18:13Post count: 369@debbe with the new version ETS6C and ETS6N both crash on startup with:
“ETS cannot be started due to a severe error and has to be closed. Please restart your computer. If the problem persists, please contact KNX support. Interne Einschränkung im JIT-Compiler.”
Previous version worked for me (ETS6N).xxx
Participant2022-12-15 at 18:27Post count: 68xxx
Participant2022-12-15 at 18:39Post count: 369Ok, I just found out that ETS6.exe always starts ETS6C.exe on my system, I think because compatibility-mode was enabled somewhere in the registry when importing my project. Even when starting ETS6N.exe manually the process ETS6C.exe is spawned. So I cannot start ETS6N anymore.
I even reinstalled it and copied the old crack and then the Demo is started (ETS6C).
So the problem always is in ETS6C, not ETS6N.The error occures with the program tries to check the license and for updates.
This reply was modified 2 years, 2 months ago by
Participant2022-12-15 at 20:33Post count: 2I can confirm the problem sinn3r is describing.
Crack works with the N version. (I have a project imported from licensed ets5, apps are not working (not licensed)).
I then enabled compatibility mode and now ets6 won’t start with the same error.sinn3r
Participant2022-12-15 at 22:25Post count: 369In fact the cracked version can import signed and unsigned projects.
The cracked version can only export unsigned projects.
A licensed version will only import signed projects.
So transfering the project of a cracked version to another system integrator is not a good idea when using a cracked version.
KNX Org take about 300€ to “repair” a damaged (unsigned) project.sinn3r
Participant2022-12-15 at 22:36Post count: 369ETS compatibility mode is set in
</Compatibility>After setting it to false I was able to start ETS6N again and import another project without older components.
This setting switches ETS from 64bit to 32bit mode, so older 32bit plugins can be used.
This reply was modified 2 years, 2 months ago by
Participant2022-12-15 at 22:48Post count: 369I read that there is a workaround for the signature problem in ETS6.
“Open knxproj file with 7-zip. Identify project id (P-XXXX), for example P-1234.
Create empty file P-XXXX_M-dummy without file extension, for example “P-1234_M-dummy”
Move file to knxproj”
Creating a dummy signature file should enable a licensed ETS6 to import a unsigned knxproj.
Can’t test it as I don’t have a licensed ETS6.hsdude
Participant2022-12-16 at 00:27Post count: 37Hi Debbe
Great to see you doing better again and move on with the work :-)
Licensed apps now work fine ! Thanx.
As sinn3r already figured out, the ETS6C is for compatible reasons using old special extensions which were for extended functionality before the DCA (is this the correct naming?) stuff was invented (ETS >= 4..).The license stuff was already with older crack Versions. There is a workaround which works for ETS5 (should be also in this forum, here a short description)
Just checked this using a licensed ETS5. IT WORKS!! Here are the steps:On the cracked version pc:
1. Navigate to C:\ProgramData\KNX\ETS5\ProjectStore. Every P-xxxx folder is a project in ETS. Inside the folder you can find the project name in the file called P.
2. Copy the entire project folder to your licensed ETS PC.On the licensed version pc:
1. Navigate to C:\ProgramData\KNX\ETS5\ProjectStore and paste the project folder here
2. Open ETS. The project should show up in the Projects list.
3. Right-click the project and select Copy -> As Clone.The cloned project is now a licensed project which you can export!
Not yet tested with 6er Version. Hope this helps.
Keep going :-)magicuf
Participant2022-12-16 at 09:24Post count: 5i need the compatible mode as well for my exported project.
would be great, if you could crack the ETS6C as well. Beta version is not working as sinn3r already wrote.sinn3r
Participant2022-12-16 at 10:35Post count: 369@hsdude This should work with ETS6 too, but you still need a licensed version to do that.
Participant2022-12-16 at 13:41Post count: 70I have potentially access to a licensed ETS6. So, let me know, if I could be instrumental somehow, and I’ll see what’s possible.
This reply was modified 2 years, 2 months ago by
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