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  • m00m00
      Post count: 41

      hey maxthon23, as already posted by tvr, there is a Link to the ETS 6.1.1 he found on another board: > HERE <


        Post count: 16

        Hi folks, have a look ->

        There is a link for the download of ETS v6.2.1 included with medicine!

        Have fun


          Post count: 16

          Hi folks, more good news.
          ETS v6.2.2 is released and available with medicine.

          Look and read here:

          Post #134

          Have fun


          • This reply was modified 10 months ago by tvrtvr.
          • This reply was modified 10 months ago by tvrtvr.
          • This reply was modified 10 months ago by tvrtvr.
            Post count: 1

            is there a way to use a projectstore folder with its projects on a
            new installation of ets6?

            My computer crashed but i have a copy of the projectstore folder.

              Post count: 2

              I downloaded ETS 6.0.6 works well but I cannot import the project from 5.6.x crack
              I renamed the .knxproj file to .ZIP now this file is converted into a folder, extracted the contents and found the P-xxxx folder and in this there are two XML file 0.xml and project.xml which I replaced with blank files.
              the difficulty I am having is this is now a folder and ets does not recognize this as a .knxproj file so cannot import.

              I have then changed the properties of the .knxproj file and used 7-Zip to open archive now i can edit the files.
              I created two empty files 0.xml and project.xml.
              I tried with replacing one file at a time with the zero byte files and then by replacing both xml zero byte files but I get error
              Import failed
              root element missing
              Please advice
              Thanks AyDee

                Post count: 16

                Hi AyDee,

                here are some advices you have/can follow:

                Check Method 2 and do it exactly as described there!!!

                ETS5-Projekt von einer gecrackten ETS5-Version erstellt in ein legal erstelltes Projekt umwandeln:

                1. Methode:

                Hi, so habe es hin bekommen.

                Ets5 mit Keks 5.7.4 Projekt geöffnet und exportiert. Projekt Ordner aus dem Ets Ordner kopiert und auf dem Desktop zwischen gespeichert.

                ETS5 geupdatet auf 5.7.6 mit Dongle. Projekt Ordner von Desktop eingefügt und Projekt importiert. Geöffnet und dann exportiert.

                Ets6 geöffnet, Projekt importiert.

                Hat geklappt.

                Für alle die sich die ETS6 kaufen können über den Support eine ETS5 Lizenz für 1 Jahr kostenlos zu bekommen.

                2. Methode:

                Ich habe eine eigene Methode entwickelt:

                .knxprod mit 7zip öffnen

                4 stellige Projekt-ID suchen: P-xxxx

                Z.B. P-016A.signature

                Leeres File mit dem Namen: P-xxxx_M-dummy erstellen (dabei ist P-xxxx gleich der gefundenen P-xxxx zu benennen,
                nur zusätzlich noch _M-dummy hinten anhängen) und mit Drag&Drop in die mit 7zip geöffnete .knxprod ziehen.

                Z.B. P-016A_M-dummy

                (die P-xxxx_M-dummy darf keine .yyy – Extension haben, z.B. kein .txt!!!)

                Danach klappt der Import ohne Probleme ;)

                Bei mir hat dieser Trick leider nicht funktioniert. Ich versuche gerade einen Import eines mit Keks 5.7.4 erstellten Projektes in ETS6. Ich bekomme immer den Fehler, dass die Signatur fehlt , wenn ich nach obigem Tip vorgehe.

                Edit: Für alle Unwissenden (wie mich) , der Tipp klappt doch wunderbar. Einfach in WinZip ein neues (Text)Dokument erstellen und es wie oben P-xxxx_M-dummy nennen. Darauf achten, dass Keine .txt Endung dahinter steht!! Dann klappt der Import von ETS5 Keks nach ETS6 mit Dongle wunderbar.

                Kann ich bestätigen – funktioniert 1A.
                Zusatz: Die ursprüngliche P-xxx.signature darf dabei aber nicht gelöscht werden sondern einfach so drin lassen. Die leere M-dummy mit exakt derselben P-xxx Nummer muss einfach zusätzlich dazu … Ich brauchte deshalb ganze drei Versuche ;-)

                3. Methode:

                Hi Debbe
                Great to see you doing better again and move on with the work :-)
                Licensed apps now work fine ! Thanx.
                As sinn3r already figured out, the ETS6C is for compatible reasons using old special extensions which were for extended functionality before the DCA (is this the correct naming?) stuff was invented (ETS >= 4..).

                The license stuff was already with older crack Versions. There is a workaround which works for ETS5 (should be also in this forum, here a short description)
                Just checked this using a licensed ETS5. IT WORKS!! Here are the steps:

                On the cracked version pc:
                1. Navigate to C:\ProgramData\KNX\ETS5\ProjectStore. Every P-xxxx folder is a project in ETS. Inside the folder you can find the project name in the file called P.
                2. Copy the entire project folder to your licensed ETS PC.

                On the licensed version pc:

                1. Navigate to C:\ProgramData\KNX\ETS5\ProjectStore and paste the project folder here
                2. Open ETS. The project should show up in the Projects list.
                3. Right-click the project and select Copy -> As Clone.

                The cloned project is now a licensed project which you can export!

                – ENDE –

                  Post count: 51

                  AyDee sent me a message he couldn’t post. So I am posting it here for AyDee:

                  Hello tvr,

                  Thanks for the quick response, perhaps the only forum with such quick feedback thank you.
                  you write
                  2. Methode:
                  Ich habe eine eigene Methode entwickelt:
                  .knxprod mit 7zip öffnen

                  It sounds stupid but I could not find the .knxprod of my project on my computer. The only .knxprod files are the catalog files.
                  My ets6 files is stored at C:\Program Files (x86)\ETS6\ETS6.exe
                  Thanks for help

                    Post count: 369

                    It’s knxproj not knxprod ;)

                      Post count: 2

                      Thanks I have imported my project.
                      I wnated to keep a copy so I tried to export but recived the error as belwo

                      This project cannot be exported with the installed license(s).

                      The second question is for the log in screen the proposal was
                      Create a new Icon on the Windows-Desktop for the start of ETS6.
                      Behind the string of the path and ETS6 parameters, looks normally like:
                      “C:\Program Files (x86)\ETS6\ETS6.exe”
                      just add 6 characters including SPACE: {TAB}

                      This then looks then like:
                      “C:\Program Files (x86)\ETS6\ETS6.exe” {TAB}

                      the two strings are identical where are the 6 blanks to be added I could not figure that out.

                        Post count: 16


                        sorry, I wrote .knxprod instead of .knxproj, my fault.

                        You have to convert an KNX5 (without licence) projekt into an KNX6 (with/without licence).
                        Then you can export a project to keep this as a backup.
                        The methods were given some posts above.

                        there is no need anymore to create a special to start ETS (6.2.2) without any “nag”-screen.
                        You can choose an option inside of ETS during install.

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