Viewing 15 posts - 151 through 165 (of 195 total)
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  • sinn3rsinn3r
      Post count: 368

      Are you running the patched original image or a regular linux installation with the sqs files added?

        Post count: 19

        regular linux installation with HS files added

          Post count: 15

          I have it running via qemu. I upgraded my normal Debian 9 to Debian 11, and I’m using the sqs-files.
          I had to add some changes to qemu to make sure dmidecode does the right job. The following I added to the parameters:
          -smbios type=1,product=d3003,serial=000ab3xxxxxx

          There are some errors on startup but it runs perfectly.

          Error 1:
          File “”, line 211, in init
          IOError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: ‘/hs/data/ssl/init-api-v1.pem’

          Error 2:
          05.09.2023 12:10:02 (3)
          File “”, line 38, in stop
          OSError: [Errno 3] No such process

            Post count: 368

            I am more interested in getting the original image running again, as in the past running just the sqs files on a regular linux created different problems with external devices like the Gira TK-IP gateway. And it needs more resources.

              Post count: 19

              Ok, i have no issues with tk-ip gateway.
              And resources, it’s just a minimal installation without gui with only the services you need. Does not make that much of a difference. I don’t like using every time vmware workstation for importing it into esxi. New version, just copy files and ready. Also not messing around with remanent mem etc.
              Still waiting on the error you get :)

              • This reply was modified 1 year, 5 months ago by charlezcharlez.
                Post count: 368

                my error is this:
                hs_main: ntp is True
                File “”, line 712, in import_project
                File “”, line 22, in get_maxspace
                File “”, line 157, in get_diskspace
                OSError: [Errno 12] Cannot allocate memory

                hs_main: waiting for knx-config

                After booting finished the status page shows an empty “Project-DD”, “IP: ?”, “Project (state): -1” and “Project (size): -1 kB”
                and project upload doesn’t work (Authentification failed)

                • This reply was modified 1 year, 5 months ago by sinn3rsinn3r.
                  Post count: 4

                  What are sqs-files? Where do i get them and how do I have to integrate them into e.g. Debian?

                    Post count: 20

                    Hallo ist es möglich von dem gepachten Image 4.11.3 auf die 4.12 über USB Firmware zu Updaten oder würde das zu einem Absturz der VM führen?, oder ist das Update sonst irgendwie schon möglich?

                    Vielen Dank schon mal.
                    Grüße Albert

                      Post count: 4

                      would it be possible to provide an image of your 4.12 version?

                      did you already try to update via USB?

                        Post count: 20


                        Bei mir läuft das (Image 4.11.3) auf Proxmox ich habe jetzt mal versucht einen USB Adapter hinzuzufügen und einen Bootfähigen USB Stick mit der Firmware 4.12 leider bin ich da ein Anfänger und komme nicht wirklich weiter.

                          Post count: 4

                          if transferring new firmware via LAN the image runs into a bootloop

                          • This reply was modified 1 year, 5 months ago by rb4rb4.
                            Post count: 20


                            ich habe es jetzt nochmal mit dem USB und dem hs.iso probiert.

                            Ich habe keine Bootschleife, der USB Stick wird erkannt und scheinbar gelesen, aber scheinbar nicht geupdatet.
                            Wie kann man hier Bilder posten?


                            • This reply was modified 1 year, 5 months ago by AlbertAlbert.
                              Post count: 20

                              Hab das gerade auch mit dem LAN Firmware Update probiert, habe das selbe Problem mit der Boot Schleife.. :-(


                                Post count: 4

                                use the img-option in the headline of the editor to enter the htlm-url of a picture. use e.g. to store pictures online

                                • This reply was modified 1 year, 5 months ago by rb4rb4.
                                  Post count: 51

                                  @Albert, @rb4, @sinn3r, the guys who are running at a Futro (real like hardware) have it running under 4.12
                                  The message “The system is going down now.. SIGTERM to all processes, SIGKILL to all processes, Requesting system reboot” looks like after mounting the filesystem, right?

                                  Is it because the project is read after mounting the filesystem and then it does some hack-attempt detection and does a kill -9 in from the new firmware/software code?
                                  Or is it earlier? Will the new software just detect a not-original filesystem and then do a kill -9 ?

                                  I am also in doubt if the Linux Kernel (Debian) is sending this KILL signal or is it from the new Homeserver software/firmware (as a sort of hack attemt detection).
                                  If it’s from the Linux Kernel, then we probably do something wrong and might need to update drivers or kernel version.
                                  However, if it’s from the new Homeserver software, then we need to check WHERE it is ‘thinks’ it is not running original Hardware… The FUTRO runs at 4.12 so we can see if we can modify some parameters on the FUTRO system (larger filesystem) or adding a non-original LAN interface like USB LAN. If it crashes then we know that it will detect these things now as ‘not original’…

                                Viewing 15 posts - 151 through 165 (of 195 total)
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