I recommend you try to fit most functionality of your new house in KNX devices and not mixing up different smart home standards for base functions. This may cost a few bucks more but leads to a stable system. And don’t ever think about using anything wireless with batteries for functions you use often.
Did you already buy all KNX devices or do you need some recommendations? In most parts the German MDT company offers the best value for the buck and the most complex on device software features. Now sure where you are from and which devices you can buy at your location.
For logics, visualisation and remote control there are several options available, but here I recommend going the Gira Homeserver way (as that’s the main theme of this forum, which is by far the most “oldschool” software available, but it’s stable, very powerful and works fine virtualized (needs x64) – the cracked one at least ;) But it also runs fine on some Fujitsu ThinClient devices, which share exactly the same hardware and are available used for small money, if virtualisation is not an option.
Using QuadClient (which is a part of the homeserver) as visualisation is fast to setup, easy and visually appearing.
For adding non-KNX devices to KNX there are a few options available with Home Assistant being one of them. I never tried it though, as I chose ioBroker to connect all the different protocols in my home to my KNX backbone. I am also running node.red (within ioBroker) for complex datatransfers between ioBroker and KNX.
P.S. Do you think it’s possible to create an automatic patcher for ETS6 that searches for the needed byte patterns and patches the code so you don’t need to start over for each new ETS6 update again? As @ur63 already mentioned ETS6 is not perfectly stable at the moment and most system integrators I know are still working with ETS5 because of this, but they release ETS6 updates on a regular basis and it gets better each time.