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  • Manuel81bzManuel81bz
      Post count: 1

      Good evening, I would like to install the VM HS4 on qnap, I model TS-453 Pro. Inside I have the application, Virtualization Station, where in theory I could import this VM: HS4.vmx
      but I get this error and the process stops: control file failed
      how can I do?
      I thought about these solutions:
      -Create install VM_windows and install VS_HS4 in (waste of resources)
      alternative- virtualization on Qnap?
      -Create ISO VM_HS4 and VM_Linux ??
      or you can have a copy for compatible qnap and its software Virtualization Station already installed?
      Thanks for the help, good evening Manuel81BZ

        Post count: 52

        you could try virtualbox

          Post count: 16

          if you can manage a telnet or ssh login you could install it directly.
          this should work because that NAS uses an Intel CPU and runs Linux.

          i managed it to install it on an asustore NAS, but it was a lot of work, many depenencies (python 2.6, cryptolib, …) needed to be installed properly.

          but VMs are a very good alternative and supported to run on this NAS

          good luck


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